Media & Entertainment IT Solutions

From mobile apps, subscription management platform, social networking applications to sophisticated new portal, Bcube offers solutions to ensure media asset flow.

Significant Achievements

Media and entertainment solutions for the areas related to digital advertising, live streaming, networking and digital publishing.

Media & Entertainment Software Solutions

Web, mobile and software applications involving live streaming, for efficient multimedia content distribution

Music Streaming Application

Music and Video Streaming apps for quick access to Artists, Music Tracks, Podcasts, Albums based on your preferences.


Save and download favourite tracks to “My List”


Option to organize the music by different category mood and genre.


Get personalized recommendations based on preferences, as well as follow friend & Check Track list

Offline Access

Option to view or listen to favourite Tracks offline.


Get Access to apps without ads.

Social Media Sharing

Share Tracks through Social Media.

Custom Web Application Development Services

Our web development services aim is not just to create beautiful applications, but we build apps that have rich features, excellent usability, scalability, and universal compatibility to drive more sales.Bcube provides top web application development services by understanding the unique goals and challenges of your business. We provide rapid and customized web application development services for all your business needs.

Teamwork, making the improbable happen

A roller coaster ride with a customer that involves an overnight decision to scale up the team size to double in order to achieve an improbable timeline.


Get all your questions answered before hiring the right resource
The future of the mobile entertainment industry is a bright one. Mobile devices have transformed the media and entertainment industry, becoming the gateway to all forms of content, whether it be visual, audio, or interactive. Media & Entertainment IT Solutions have also become more than just passive screens; they'll become more like consoles where you can play games or stream media. As the trend towards mobility continues, so too does the demand for high-quality content that can be accessed on any device.
The media and entertainment industry is constantly evolving. With the rise of digitization, streaming, social media, etc., this industry has seen more changes in the past ten years than it has in decades. Here are top media and entertainment technology solutions. Music Streaming ApplicationVideo Streaming App - Similar to NetflixSocial Networking PlatformNews PortalParty Booking Application
Delivering the virtual experience of events in real time is more important now than it has ever been. It is important to build live streaming capabilities for programs, events, meetings, auctions, and so on with interactive options like polls and chat rooms that increase engagement levels and keep people coming back for more.
Media and entertainment technology solutions offer a variety of benefits. From increasing productivity to improving customer satisfaction, media and entertainment technology solutions provide tangible value.
The cost of building media and entertainment technology solutions varies depending on the nature of the project, the level of sophistication, and the functionalities involved. Building larger installations with more screens can increase costs exponentially. If you are looking , discuss with our team of experts
Bcube is a leading enterprise software & IT consulting company with 19+ years’ experience in providing innovative technology solutions. Our team comprises an expert development team with a proven track record of delivering media and entertainment IT solutions of varying complexities and magnitude.